Privacy Policy

Privacy Guarantee:

At NeverLeak, safeguarding your privacy is paramount to us. We are fully committed to protecting your personal data, and our Privacy Policy outlines our procedures regarding the collection, usage, and security of your information.

Get in Touch:

If you have any questions or concerns about your data or our Privacy Policy, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

Data Management:

At NeverLeak, we adhere to a strict policy of not collecting personal data. We do not access, store, share, or utilize any personal information. This approach underscores our steadfast dedication to preserving your privacy.

Defining Personal Information:

In alignment with relevant data protection regulations such as GDPR, personal data encompasses any information that pertains to an identifiable individual, covering both direct and indirect identifiers.

Approach to Data Handling:

It's important to highlight that NeverLeak does not gather personal data for its services. Our applications are meticulously crafted to honor your privacy. However, please be aware that third-party services may retain your information.

Your Rights and Responsibilities:

Since we do not collect personal data, you are not obligated to provide us with any personal information. However, certain data may be necessary for us to effectively deliver our services.

Age Restrictions:

NeverLeak is intended for users aged 13 and above. If you become aware of individuals below this age providing us with personal data, please inform us promptly so that appropriate action can be taken.

Privacy Policy Updates:

We may periodically revise our Privacy Policy to align with evolving laws and standards. Significant changes that affect your privacy rights will be communicated to you via email.

Addressing Concerns:

Should you disagree with any updates to our Privacy Policy or have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us at Your feedback is invaluable and helps us uphold our commitment to privacy.